Beautiful Places

Photo by JR Korpa on Unsplash

A poem about beautiful places.

Is there a place where you can go?
To feel peace and happiness
That scutters you back to life
With an uplifting twirl.

It may be a place or a view you witness,
Or a field with flowers
Or on top of a mountain looking out to sea
Whatever it is, you should find it and just be.

Gather your mind when you close your eyes,
Think of the place with its tantalizing smells
Feel the tranquility of its surroundings
Until your heart is at peace in your mind.

There is always a place like this
That can make you feel tremendous peace
Look for that spot that you can see
Let it be in your thoughts when you most need it.

Find it for real where ever it may be
It may be in a quiet garden where roses bloom
It could be a pretty beach where the waves of the sea stop time
It could be upon a hill or under a tree in a field.

Wherever it is,
Make it your spot and empower it in your mind
Feel it glow in your heart
Whilst you close your eyes
And see your future unfold in life.

Dream about this place when you go to sleep at night.
Think about it whenever you feel down.
Meditate it in your mind
And never forget it,
Because it will be your salvation
Your breathing space to help your life glide you along.

Just remember this place you love with all your heart,
And you will gladly go to it whenever you think of it.
And who knows
It could be a place that really exists
Bringing you to it
One day at a time.

©️ Denise Larkin 2020. All Rights Reserved.


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