The Creative Mind

A short poem about writing fiction.

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash
Sleepy eyes
Foggy brain
Words cannot explain
Writing isn’t a game
But a serious of words
Of creative art
Lingering in our hearts.

Trembling fingers
Rattling bones
Rotting fog
Misting lingers
Beginning a story
To describe, plot, style.

Time for resting
Time for dreaming
Time for meditating
To satisfy our aim
Into visualization and imagination
Empower, creating.

All things considered
The juice will be given
Working harshly
Bringing fiction
When words
Are wonderous once again.

Dancing words
Dancing pen
Dancing keys
We type.

The Rhythm
Is here
To create
Construct, devise, discover.

Now we write
The story ideas
The land of tears
Clever, canny, and competent.

Stories are dear
Fiction is clear
Characters are thrilling
Plots, scenes, and twists
Revealing the magic
A horror to endure
A reader’s game
And a cure.

Thrilling sense
Page turner immense
Glossy books
An achievement
To share
A published book
Now sits on a shelf.

But alas
We start again
Creating words
A new vision
To invent
To immerse
To write
Over and over again.

Words: The Book of Poems


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