The Zoo

A poem about animals in a zoo.

Photo by Paula Borowska on Unsplash

Animals are part of our nature
Watching them is fun
As they go about their life
Living and being rife.

A dangerous pack
They love their families
As they are
Caged, protective, vigilant.

Lions hunt for food
Living in a zoo
Slows them down
And laziness intrudes
Not living as they need
A disastrous deed
To pursue, trap, fight.

Locked in a cage
We cannot
Their feelings of rage
Sitting quietly
As we stare
Watch, point, and study
Their glare.

Staring back at us
Hating, angry, and resentful
They want
Their freedom
To be
A wilderness of space
But alas
Enraged, unhappy
And in contempt
Hunted and used
Abused, ravished, rooted
A terrible fate.

Locked up
For safety
Some are captured
Some are freed
But most think
This is the way it must be
They cannot
Live amongst us
For danger
To humans
Is applied.

So, you see
It is the right way
It is best
They are locked away
And not out
In the wilderness
For someone
To hunt
Poison, slaughter, slay
Or crucify
Their prey.

So, next time
You visit the zoo
Watch a gorilla
Or a lion
See how they
Live, play, eat
And sleep
But remember
They are
Important, significant, vital
Imperative, crucial
And necessary
And meaningful
In every way.

©️ Denise Larkin 2020. All Rights Reserved.


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