Writer's Block

A poem about writer’s block.

Photo by Daniel McCullough on Unsplash

Can’t think
Can’t write
The brain is like mush
Full of nonsense
Full of nothing.

I try to type
But no words
Will appear
Nothing reach’s the mind
No string of content.

The days pass on by
But still, no words
Not even a sentence
To create
Produce or prompt or induce.

So, I sit with my mind
Blank and bereft
Trying to gain
A bit of effort
To continue on.

Days pass by
Weeks pass by
Still, no words
Will come
To push me on.

So, instead, I read a book
See the world
Do the things I love
As I slowly start to rectify my mind
Giving me the clarity to write.

The things I see
The experience I feel
Will surely boost my mind
To write and create
When my fingers move freely
On the page.

©️ Denise Larkin 2020. All Rights Reserved.


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